Time in Mandalay

Current Local Time

Myanmar, Asia

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Time Zone And General Information For Mandalay

Time zone ---
Summer (DST) ---
Coordinates 21.9588282, 96.0891032
Country Myanmar
Currency MMK Myanmar (Burma) Kyat
Language Burmese
Phone Code 95

Cities Also Located in Myanmar

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Myanmar, formally known as Burma and officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is the largest non-island country in Southeast Asia. Myanmar is also a part of South Asia. The country’s capital city is Naypyidaw, its official language is Burmese and it has a population of 60.3 million. The country was ruled by a military junta from 1962 until 1988 and the country’s political system is still tightly controlled. The currency used in this country is the Kyat (MMK).

Weather in Mandalay

Mandalay, Pictures from Myanmar

Mandalay Hill_Myanmar
Kuthodaw Pagoda_Mayanmar
Ananda Temple_Myanmar.

Mandalay Map