Time in Addis Abeba

Current Local Time

Addis Abeba
Ethiopia, Africa

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Time Zone And General Information For Addis Abeba

Time zone ---
Summer (DST) ---
Coordinates 8.9806034, 38.7577605
Country Ethiopia
Currency ETB Ethiopia Birr
Language Amharic
Phone Code 251

Cities Also Located in Ethiopia

City Time Now City Time Now
Addis Ababa
Addis Abeba


Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, is located in the Horn of Africa. Aside from five years under Italian rule Ethiopia stayed together during the Scramble for Africa. The country’s capital is Addis Ababa, its official language is Amharic and it has a population of 81.2 million people. The currency used in this African country is the Birr (ETB).

Weather in Addis Abeba

Addis Abeba, Pictures from Ethiopia

Addisababa Ethiopia
Gondar Castle Ethiopia
Fasilides Ethiopia

Addis Abeba Map