Time in Cape Verde

Current Local Time

Cape Verde

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Details about Cape Verde

Time zone ---
Summer (DST) ---
Time zones 1
Long Name República de Cabo Verde
Capital City Praia
Currency CVE
Abbreviations CV, CPV
Phone Code 238
Language Portuguese

Cities in Cape Verde

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Weather in Cape Verde

Cape Verde Photos

Cape Verde2
Cape Verde
Cabo Verde_Cape verde

More information about Cape Verde

Cape Verde, known also as Cabo Verdo and the República de Cabo Verde is located in Africa. This island country is located in the Atlantic Ocean and the islands cover a combined area of just over 4,000 square kilometers. The islands are volcanic in origin. Cape Verde is part of a group of islands known as the Macaronesia. The capital of Cape Verde is Praia, the official language is Portugese and the country has a population of just more than 531,000. The currency used is the Cape Verdean escudo (CVE).

Cape Verde Map