Time in Gaborone

Current Local Time

Botswana, Africa

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Time Zone And General Information For Gaborone

Time zone ---
Summer (DST) ---
Coordinates -24.6282079, 25.9231471
Country Botswana
Currency BWP Botswana Pula
Language English
Phone Code 267

Cities Also Located in Botswana

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Botswana, also known as the Republic of Botswana, is located in southern Africa. The country’s capital city is Gaborone, its official languages are English and Tswana and just over 2 million people live in Botswana. The country’s economy is enjoying substantial growth as a result of its mining industry. Botswana exports diamonds, metals, and minerals and produces more diamonds by value than any other country in the world. The country is responsible for roughly one quarter of worldwide diamond production – that’s about 6,000kg (30 million carats). The currency used in this country is the Pula (BWP).

Weather in Gaborone

Gaborone, Pictures from Botswana

Botswana_Okavango Delta

Gaborone Map